
In this section you can browse or search for videos. If you cannot find something, please e-mail us at


Safe Digital Space for Women and Girls
Learn about the most important measures that help us reach safe digital spaces for women and girls.
Interview with Ms. Zainab Al Ghunaimi
Interview with Ms. Zainab Al Ghunaimi to talk about the defamation that women-rights activists faced via media and social media tools.
Safe Family Environment
To ensure a safe family environment, we must work together to pass the Family Protection Law and put it into practice 
Advocacy for a Family Protection Law
For more than 15 years, civil society organizations have been calling for the adoption of the Family Protection Law, and we will continue to demand until it is approved and implemented. 
Why do we want to pass a family law?
Why do we want to pass the Family Protection Law? To find out the answer, you can watch this video.
Domestic violence and legislation
The increasing number of victims of domestic violence requires urgent adoption of the Family Protection Law 
Ending violence against women
Ending violence against women and ensuring that they enjoy their rights means establishing a happy and stable family. 
Need for a family protection law
Family Protection Law has become a necessity in the light of the high rates of domestic violence in the Palestinian society.
Cyber extortion: instructions
To avoid suffering from cyber extortion, please follow the instructions presented in this video.
The Space We Make - Documentary
"The Space we Make" documentary film discusses the GBV issues from point of view of 2-3 victims/survivors, civil society/service providers representatives, and governmental service providers’ representatives. The film presents the negative impacts of GBV on women/girls, families, and society in…
Violence is unjustified
Violence is unjustified.. Together to pass the Family Protection from Violence Law.
Talk show on cyber extortion
This talk show discussed the issue of cyber extortion in the Gaza Strip. It focused on its definition, types, and the protective measures from such types of extortion.  
Our Spaces Mobile App
This talk show presented “Our Spaces” mobile application which is produced through our partner Community Media Center and in partnership with Terre des hommes. The talk show focused on the idea of developing the mobile app, the phases of producing the app, app working mechanism, and the future of…
Video about early marriage in the Gaza
To know the opinions of the Gazan people about early marriage, do not hesitate to watch this video.
Cyber extortion: awareness raising
Anyone can be subjected to cyber extortion. The video helps to learn more about the issue.
Protecting the elderly: interviews
“Elderly people are in need for more protection services”  To know more about our beneficiaries’ feedback from our partner El Wedad Rehabilitation Society, please watch this video 
Protecting the elderly
Our partner El-Wedad Society for Community Rehabilitation conducted the first neighbouring targeting the elderly people in the Gaza Strip.  
Talk show on gender-based violence
This talk show discussed the issue of Gender-Based Violence (GBV). It focused on GBV concept and services provided for GBV victims/ survivors.  
Talk show on child marriage
This talk show presents the topic of child marriage. It focused on the impact of child marriage over child rights, psychological and health status.  
Promotional video of ACHA
Our partner AbdelShafi Health and Community Association presents through this video their interventions under their project “Improving access of women and girls SGBV victims and survivors to multi-sectorial prevention and response services”.