News from our partners
In Gaza, Palestine, our local partner, Abdel Shafi Community Health Association (ACHA), provides psychological support services to girls and women, which include topics on violence against vulnerable women in the north. Group sessions create a safe environment for them to blow off steam and better…
In Gaza, our local partner Center for Women's Legal Research, Counseling and Protection (CWLRCP) provides psychosocial support services to distressed children.
Some of the activities children engage in are designed to be interactive such as painting 🎨, playing and physical activities ⚽️,…
In partnership with Community Media Center, the 'Masahatuna' application was developed to provide health, psychological, legal, social and economic services through community-based organisations in Gaza in order to protect women and youth from domestic violence easily, quickly and safely. …
Our protection project in Gaza Strip in Palestine, in partnership with Abdel Shafi Community Health Association, provides women with yoga sessions, which help in increasing self-healing, reducing stress, and enhancing mental and physical states.
The sessions went on for three days with the…
From indoor to outdoor activities, our partnership with El Amal Rehabilitation Society engages girls in Gaza, Palestine, in group activities that encourage learning and communicating through different ways, which strengthen their self-confidence and help them to develop skills before they become…
Our local partner Atfaluna Society for Deaf Children, Gaza (ASDC) in Palestine held an auditory session with relevant representatives and parties to discuss the means of transportation and their adaptation to meet the needs of people with disabilities (PWD), especially girls and women.