Men and gender equality in the Republic of Moldova

The study "Men and gender equality in the Republic of Moldova” is one of the most comprehensive studies, which offers a holistic view on the life of men and women, attitudes and behavior of men and women towards gender equality, family relationships, the role and involvement of men in family life, including the involvement of men in raising and educating children, childhood experiences related to violence, professional sphere, health etc.

The research was performed based on the International Survey Men and Gender Equality (IMAGES) and adapted to the national context.

The Study is representative, a total of 1500 men and 500 women from the Republic of Moldova participated in the research. To date, the main conclusions of the study are: only each fourth father is daily involved in childcare; a total of 90% of men and 80% of women consider that for a woman, household activities and cooking for her family are the most important activities; a total of 27% of men and 17.5% of women consider that women should tolerate violence to preserve their families.

The study was elaborated by the Center of Investigations and Consultation „Sociopolis” and the Women’s Law Center with financial support of OAK Foundation.

Center of Investigations and Consultation
Countries this relates to
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Gender based violence