BRIDGE project - Thematic Package on Gender-based Violence - Malta

This thematic package on gender-based violence was developed in Malta in the framework of the regional project BRIDGE. The thematic package is composed of the following materials:

  • Infosheet - Inform Yourself!
  • Infosheet - Sexual Violence and Refugees/Migrants coming to Malta
  • Infographic - An overview of knowledge and capacities of care professionals working with children and young migrants (from data collection)
  • Infographic - Young migrants' perception of gender based violence (from data collection)

The thematic package documents can be accessed at the PDF links below.

The BRIDGE project is implemented under the lead of the Terre des hommes Regional Office for Europe together with partners from Belgium (Defense for Children International DCI-Belgium and FEDASIL), Greece (ARSIS), Malta (Kopin) and Romania (Tdh Romania), and has the general objective to strengthen the statutory response to GBV affecting children and youth on the move in EU countries.

The BRIDGE project is supported by the European Union’s Rights, Equality and Citizenship Programme (2014–2020)

The contents of the thematic package document represent the views of the author only and is his/her sole responsibility. The European Commission does not accept any responsibility for use that may be made of the information it contains.

Publication type
Report / Study / Data
Language of materials
Gender based violence